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  • Preamble

    We the members of Campion College Alumni Association,
    In appreciation of the Jesuit Training inculcated into us during the period of our
    academic programme in Campion College
    desirous to give back to our alma mater her due,
    Having in us the Spirit of being “Strong in Faith & Work”
    Willing to promote friendship, development, and academic excellence,
    And In Solemn declaration and affirmation of our commitment to;
    our school,

  • Article One: Name
    The Association shall be known and called the CAMPION COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION hereinafter referred to as “the Association” (CCAA).
  • Article Two: Aims And Objectives
    • To support Campion College for its (continual improvement) or (betterment and maintain its reputation).
    • To bring together all students of Campion College (or members of CCAA) in a common bond of FRIENDSHIP.
    • To foster cordial relations amongst the said past students.
    • To speak collectively on all matters affecting CCAA.
    • To undertake activities to improve the welfare of CCAA and uplift its image.
    • To promote the welfare and interest of members of the Association.
    • To foster cordial relations between it and other sister Associations in the country.
    • To contribute to the development of the school’s infrastructure, teacher welfare, and student extracurricular activities.
  • Article Three: Membership
    • Membership shall be open to anybody who enrolled for at least one year in Campion College as a student.
    • Without prejudice to clause one above, the status of HONORARY MEMBER may be conferred by the Board of Directors on any person it may deem fit.
    • For the avoidance of doubt, the Headmaster and his/her Deputies of the school shall be Honorary Members, along with conferred members of staff.
  • Article Four: Advisory Council/committee
    • There shall be established an “Advisory Council” (herein after known as the Council)
    • All past Presidents of the Board of Directors shall be members of the Council.
    • The Council shall advise the Board of Directors on matters which are of concern to the Association.
    • The post of Honorary Director may be conferred by the Board of Directors on any person it may deem fit. There can only be one Honorary Director appointed to the Board at any one time.
  • Article Five: Board Of Directors
    • There shall be an Board of Directors/Executive Committee of the Association comprising the following officers:
      i. PRESIDENT
      iii. SECRETARY
      v. TREASURER
      ix. Four Ordinary members of the Association – of which at least two each must be sixth formers and University students.
    • All members of the Board of Directors/Executive Committee Directors, except the Immediate Past President shall be elected.
  • Article Six: Eligibilty And Tenure
    • Any active member shall be eligible to hold office except for the post of President which is subject to restrictions.
    • The post of President can only be filled by an incumbent Board member who has been re-elected to the Board.
    • Candidates for election to the various offices of the Association may be eligible for re-election for another term of office, except that a candidate may not be eligible to hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.
    • A term of office shall be no more than two (2) fiscal years, effective after the 2008 elections.
    • A fiscal year shall commence in April 1 and end in March 31 of the following year.
  • Article Seven: Elections
    • The election of officers shall be conducted during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) under the supervision of the Principal of the School or his/her representative.
    • Without prejudice to clause (1) above, By-Elections may be held as and when necessary.
    • A candidate for an office of the Association shall be nominated by a member of the Association, whose nomination shall be seconded by at least two (2) other members.
    • For the avoidance of doubt, members who nominate and second must qualify to be elected to a position on the Executive Committee.
    • The candidate polling the largest number of votes shall be declared elected and in the event of a tie, there shall be a fresh ballot for the candidates who tied. Where there is a sole candidate, a simple majority of votes cast shall be required to elect or reject the candidate.
    • There shall be a formal Handing-Over Ceremony, in the presence of the Council, within a month after the election on a date agreed on by the incoming and outgoing executive at which the Administrative Secretary shall preside and administer the oaths of office.
  • Article Eight: Duties & Powers Of Officers
      i. The President shall direct the convening of all meetings.
      ii. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association once present
      iii. He/She shall be the spokesperson of the Association and at his/her discretion may assume or direct any other officer to assume any of the duties assigned to another officer, including his own.
      iv. He/She may appoint a committee of executive members and or ordinary members for purposes he/she so deems fit.
      i. He/She shall assist the President.
      ii. He/She shall perform the presidential functions in the absence of the President
      iii. He/She shall perform any other functions assigned to him/her by the President.
      i. The Secretary shall, under the direction of the President, convene all meetings of the Association.
      ii. He/she shall record the proceedings of all meetings, and shall read all records of previous proceedings at meeting, save emergency meetings.
      iii. He/she shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Association.
      iv. He/she shall liaise between the Executive Committee, the Association, the Headmaster, the Board of Governors and the School.
      i. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the financial transactions of the Association including the receipt of monies belonging to the Association and payments of bills incurred by the Association.
      ii. He/she shall deposit in the Association’s Bank Account all monies so received for and on behalf of the Association within one week of such receipt.
      iii. He/she shall keep proper and true accounts of all documents and materials pertaining to the Treasury and produce such financial reports, as may be required.
      iv. He/she shall prepare an income and expenditure account at the end of every six months for the attention of the Executive.
      v. He/she shall prepare and present to the members at the AGM the financial report of the association for the year.
      i. He/She shall organize membership drives of the Association.
      ii. He/She shall be responsible for organizing all activities of the Association.
      i. As required and recommended by the current executive, there shall be an Administrative Secretary employed by the Association.
      ii. The Administrative Secretary shall see to the day to day running of the Association.
      iii. The Administrative Secretary shall act in the absence of the Secretary.
  • Article Nine: Removal Of Officers/impeachment Procedures For Impeachment
    • Impeachment proceedings may be brought against any executive member who is proved to have exceeded his authority without justification, to have grossly abused his office or to have acted in such a manner as to either bring the name of the Association and the School into disrepute or to hinder the achievement of the
      objectives of the Association.
    • The Executive member(s) facing impeachment proceedings shall be allowed to speak in his/her defence and/or call witnesses to speak in his/her defence.
    • An ad-hoc committee of three (3) members shall be appointed by the Council at a meeting convened for this purpose with the most senior Council member present at that meeting presiding , to investigate the matter
    • The President may dispense with the services of any Officer he/she appoints, if he/she is of the opinion that the Officer is not discharging his or her functions to his satisfaction.
    • Where the President decides to dispense with the services of an Officer, he/she shall inform the Council in writing stating the reasons for his/her decision.
    • An officer to be removed from office by the President shall have a right to be heard by the Council.
    • The Council after hearing the President, may affirm the President’s decision, put the said Executive on Probation or overrule the President’s decision.
  • Article Ten: Resignation
    • Any member of the Executive Committee may resign his or her position.
    • A member wishing to resign shall do this in writing addressed to the President. In the case of the President it shall be addressed to the Council in care of the Vice-president.
    • The President on receipt of a resignation letter shall inform the Executive Committee who shall deliberate on it and then inform the Council.
    • The Council and the Executive Committee acting in concert may accept or reject the intended resignation.
    • Notwithstanding the immediate preceding clauses, a Member of the Executive Committee who in spite of the rejection of his resignation, insists on resigning, may be allowed to do so.
  • Article Eleven: Meetings
    • There shall be an AGM held no later than the last Wednesday of March each year.
    • There shall be an Executive meeting at least once every other month.
    • The Executive shall meet at times to be fixed by its Officers.
    • The Council shall meet with the Executive at least once every quarter. The President shall preside at that meeting.
    • Emergency meetings of the Association shall be convened by the executive. For the avoidance of doubt, ten (10) members acting together may request in writing, that the executives convene an Emergency General Meeting. Such request shall be complied with within 21 days of request.
    • Policies and activities of the Association shall be determined at General Meetings.
    • Except for election, removal from office of executive members and decisions in disciplinary action, all other decisions shall be by show of hands.
    • General meetings shall open and end with a prayer and the school song.
  • Article Twelve: Quorum
    At every meeting of the Association, twelve (12) members of the Association shall form the quorum. The quorum of an executive meeting shall be five (5).
  • Article Thirteen: Finance
    • All members of the Association may pay annual dues to be determined by members at an AGM.
    • The Association may from time to time, ask members to pay special sums of money for such legitimate purpose as may be determined by members.
    • The Association may accept donations and contributions from the general public.
    • The Association shall operate a bank account with a reputable licensed financial institution.
    • The President, Vice President and Treasurer shall be signatories to the bank account operated by the Association. Any of the two Officers’ signatures shall be sufficient for the purposes of operating the Account.
    • The Executive body shall outline their proposed activities for the Association at the AGM.
    • The Treasurer should report on the status of bank accounts to the Board of Directors and Council at least once per quarter during the fiscal year.
  • Article Fourteen: Auditing
    • A team of auditors appointed by the Executive and the Council acting in concert shall audit the accounts of the Association and present its report to members at the AGM. Provided that the Auditors may be members of the Association other than executive members, persons preferably with knowledge in accounting, and must have fulfilled all their financial obligations to the Association.
    • Their report shall be lodged with the Council for discussion at least two weeks before AGM.
    • If for any reason, audit reports are not available for the AGM, draft audited figures presented by the treasurer ad verified by the council will be presented…
  • Article Fifteen: Amendment
    • Any notices of amendment to the Constitution shall be given one (1) calendar month before an AGM.
    • The notice of amendment shall be in writing and signed by any ten (10) eligible members of the Association and served on the secretary or in his absence any other executive member.
    • An amendment shall be carried by a two-third (2/3) majority of eligible members present and entitled to vote at the AGM.
    • The AGM of members shall have power to make and amend the Constitution and bye-laws of the Association.
  • Article Sixteen: By-laws
    Subject to the approval by the AGM of the Association, the Executive Committee may make such By-laws as are deemed appropriate towards the realization of the aspirations of the Association.
  • Article Seventeen: Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure
    • Every member shall comport himself/herself in a manner that is in consonance with the aims and objectives of the Association.
    • Each member shall contribute in any way possible to promote, uphold and defend the good image of the Association.
    • Any member of the Association may bring to the notice of the Executive any act or conduct by any member
    • An ad-hoc panel consisting of three fully paid-up members nominated by the Executive shall investigate the act or conduct complained about. The decision of the panel shall be subject to an appeal to the Council.
    • The Committee upon its findings shall be empowered to recommend to the Executive the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken. This may take the form of any of the following:-
      i. Cautioning
      ii. Writing an apology
      iii. Payment of a fine
      iv. Suspension
      v. Any other form of disciplinary action deemed by the Association as appropriate depending on the gravity of the offence.
  • Article Eighteen: Year Groups
    • Every group of students who are admitted in a particular year may form a year group on completion of their education from fifth form at Campion College.
    • Notwithstanding clause one (1) above, a group of students who entered and left Campion College at different times may come together to form a year group that spans a period of more than one year.
    • Year groups should inform the Association through the Executive of reunion plans in order to form synergies and avoid conflict.
    • The year groups shall submit a written report on their activities during the Campion College school year to the Secretary two weeks before the next AGM. Notwithstanding the submission of this report, each year group may appoint a representative to present its report at the AGM.
    • The year groups shall, as far as is reasonable conduct their affairs in conformity with the plans, policies and guidelines of the Association.
  • Article Nineteen: Member Database And Confidentiality
    • The Association shall maintain a database of members comprising of demographic and contact information as deemed appropriate.
    • The Association shall maintain strict confidentiality regarding the aforementioned information.
    • Said information shall not be shared with any third parties without the express consent of the Board, in which case the intended use must be in furtherance of the goals of the Association and not for commercial purposes.
  • Article Twenty: The Overseas Chapters
    The Overseas Chapters of the Association shall be guided by the “Guidelines For Running Your Chapter”.
  • Article Twenty-one: Commencement
    This Constitution shall be deemed to have come into effect on Thursday the 1st of November 2007
  • Article Twenty-two: Repeal
    Any earlier Constitution of the Association is hereby repealed.