While the Vision 2020 Capital Projects’ Fund is concerned with the renovation of existing infrastructure and the construction of new buildings that benefits all current and future members of the Campion community, there are two other important funds that specifically benefit students and teachers. These funds are:
The Student Support Fund: The need among our students for financial assistance is far greater than ever before. Campion’s student population has changed from having only 5% primary school entrants in 1999 to now some 35% and, while the school is proud that these exceptionally bright students have been placed at Campion, this change has had an impact on our financial situation. Every year many of our students are unable to pay the modest auxiliary fee and St Edmund Trust contribution and, therefore since 2009, the school has been organising scholarships and grants to cover fees and books for current students as well as providing assistance with transportation and meals. For all of these talented, eager students, this assistance could be the difference between taking up their well-earned place at Campion and not attending school at all. We encourage parents, alumni and friends, who recognise the value of a Campion education in transforming a child’s future, to give generously to this Fund.
The Teacher Excellence Fund: Every September, Campion asks its students and parents to contribute to the St. Edmund Trust, which supports the development needs of the school, inclusive of financial rewards to those teachers who have demonstrated excellence and have upheld the standards set by the school’s administration. Students and parents are asked to donate either the minimum contribution OR more, as they are able. Alumni who are interested in giving to this fund may wish to pay the fee on behalf of those students who cannot afford this. In addition, we have had alumni who have selected this fund for a larger contribution. One such alumnus, who wishes to remain anonymous, has donated over J$2million dollars to this Fund since 2009.
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For more information, please contact the Office of Development & Alumni Affairs at campiondevelopmentoffice@gmail.com