Manning Cup: Campion College vs. Kingston College

Once again we witnessed a battle of Campion College against our esteemed opponents, Kingston College. Both teams took to Deep Dene one bleak Thursday afternoon. The colour purple was overwhelming. This was a very important match for Kingston College, who needed three points to advance after suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of the mighty St. George’s. Campion College on the other hand had suffered one defeat too many and by this time our hopes of advancing to the second round had already been squashed.

It should be noted that this match was important to us in other ways. This was our chance to prove to ourselves and others, that winning a match against Campion was not always an easy feat. We did just that. The match started out pretty calm with KC pushing the attacking and Campion trying as best as possible to keep a clean sheet. The match remained nil all for what seemed like forever. KC upped their game as they realized a draw just would not cut it for them. Soon enough the score was 0-1 to Kingston College. It seemed as if we could not keep the ball as Kingston College smelled a whiff of victory. They soon became frustrated after Kingston College found that not every shot at the goal would be a goal. Campion fought valiantly to prevent conceding and occasionally pushed the attack.

However, it was Kingston College, who again found the back of the net making it 2-0. The win was sealed for Kingston College and they were safely into the second round. The tears were dried and hope was restored for the boys from North Street. Obviously, Kingston College seemed to forget that the match was far from over and Campion never gives up. Lorne Barrett of Campion College placed the ball in the back of KC’s net sending waves of panic through the purple-hearted. Time became their best friend as they reinforced their defence. If Campion were to score again that one point would knock Kingston College right out of the competition. Unfortunately fate was not our friend that day as the referee blew his whistle and KC managed to escape unscathed.


Written by Trevann Hamilton 6A

Edited by Satchin Campbell 6A


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